Thankfulness in Ministry: Children's Church
Nov 9 3:39 PM

Thankfulness in Ministry: Children's Church

Nov 9 3:39 PM
Nov 9 3:39 PM

Over the past few months we've considered how we can encourage MCC members, and those in leadership positions at MCC, to be thankful for the ministries they serve in while considering how it has changed their perspective and allowed God to transform them. Sometimes it's only when you step back to look at the big picture of ministry that you see just how much God has done to your heart through your work for His kingdom. With that in mind, I've asked Ministry Leaders across MCC to answer eight questions about how serving has transformed their faith, walk and idea of how ministry can change lives; of those who serve and those who are served. This is the first in that series.

  • How did you get called to become a Children's Church Teacher?

We started attending MCC when our son Cody was 2.  He would cry when I would try to leave him downstairs in class, so I would stay with him as he got comfortable.  Molly Malizzo was the teacher, and she was so very amazing and energetic with the kids.  Her animation in telling the Bible stories was mesmerizing!  I had taught Sunday school at our previous church, and I felt very led to join the team of teachers.  My desire to help my child grew into a love for helping other kids.

  • How have you seen God work in you and your volunteers through Children's Church?

I cannot tell you how many times that the lesson I am scheduled to teach blesses me and speaks to what is happening in my life. So often the verses and stories miraculously meet my current need. This makes the stories easier to tell and have a bigger impact on the kids. I am humbled that God would work so personally in my life. My Bible knowledge and love of the Gospel have grown tremendously over the years.

  • What has been the hardest aspect of serving and how did God use that to grow you?

I wish I could experience every child in my class accepting Jesus as their savior. As a teacher of 4-6 year-olds, I have to be content to simply plant seeds of truth. My job is to come alongside parents in leading their children to Christ. If they love Jesus more and know more about God and His Word when they move up to a new class, that is success also.

  • What are you most thankful for in the ministry?

I am most thankful for the love from the kids that I receive in return.  To have a child say to me, “Are YOU going to be my teacher today?” or “I miss being in your class!” is a true joy.

  • What would you say to someone who doesn't feel equipped to serve?

Focus on serving where God calls you to serve and trust Him to equip you. Serving should be done from the heart, not out of a sense of obligation.

  • Why should people get involved in ministry?

You will be surprised at how much God blesses you in return compared to the time and effort that you put in.

  • Can you share a ministry success from 2018:

One of my biggest joys in Sunday school occurs when every child chooses to pray aloud before the snack. As someone who never prayed aloud in a group until becoming an adult, I have a real heart to show the kids that Christian friends pray together. Over time, the prayers I hear are beautifully eloquent and about meaningful topics. These prayers melt my heart and renew my faith.



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