Youth Camp Recap - Followers of Christ
Jun 27 6:54 AM

Youth Camp Recap - Followers of Christ

Jun 27 6:54 AM
Jun 27 6:54 AM

On June 17, 11 MCC high-schoolers and three youth group leaders caravaned up to Glorieta, NM to attend a youth summer camp with 5 other churches from the greater ABQ area. Over the ensuing week, the teaching (1-2 messages per day), worship (2 times per day), and discussions were focused on one word: Follower. We deep-dove into what it means to be a follower of Christ, from the commission, the purpose, the way, the hardship, and the reward. 

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Why I Serve On The Worship Team
Apr 11 8:37 AM

Why I Serve On The Worship Team

Apr 11 8:37 AM
Apr 11 8:37 AM

Why do I lead music worship at Mountain Christian Church? Here is how it all got started… 

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What's the Big Deal About Small Groups?
Mar 14 2:47 PM

What's the Big Deal About Small Groups?

Mar 14 2:47 PM
Mar 14 2:47 PM

Chances are that if you have been a part of small group before, you have an opinion about their effectiveness in helping you live out the Christian life. Hopefully most of you have had a positive experience in the past. If you have never been involved in one, then what are you waiting for?

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Mar 7 7:28 AM


Mar 7 7:28 AM
Mar 7 7:28 AM

The early Christians "continuously devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship." (Acts 2:42) The word for "fellowship" is koinonia, which means "to have in common" or "to share." As those who are united with Christ, we are to share the life of Christ with one another in a way that results in individual and combined spiritual growth.

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Shine Thanks You!
Dec 28 7:00 AM

Shine Thanks You!

Dec 28 7:00 AM
Dec 28 7:00 AM

A huge thank you to so many who helped with the Shine winter food boxes! They were distributed at a party we hosted on Saturday and it was a blessing - for those who served and received. There was ornament making, cookie decorating, face painting, free toys, breakfast, Christmas music and a fun corn hole competition. 

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