Transformation in Ethiopia
Nov 16 11:46 AM

Transformation in Ethiopia

Nov 16 11:46 AM
Nov 16 11:46 AM

My favorite part of teaching with TLI is watching the students interact with the Bible, and wrestle together over what they are seeing.  


After they worked together in groups, one student shared about what he had been learning. 


“I never really saw that salvation is all a work of God’s grace.  I guess I’ve still always thought that we sort of earn it in some way.  But now I know that before God all of us are equal, and it is completely by the work of the gospel that we are His children.  This makes me want to share the gospel even more.”


We have a few less students at this training, than at the last one I attended (probably 50, rather than 60).  That may seem sad, but actually some of that decrease is really a good thing.  


One of our former students, who also served us as a translator, is not here because she is now serving in missions in Jordan.


Another - a young man who was hoping to do ministry in China - is now doing his degree in India and working on language, in preparation to go to China.  


And I should also mention Demeke, who is here this week .. but that’s not because he hasn’t been running ahead in God’s calling.  He’s back for a short stay, but currently serving as a church planter in Zambia.

The Lord is calling leaders from Ethiopia to serve Him around the world.


His gracious work continues here in this land, and extends well beyond. 


He is at work in every nation, among every people, drawing men to Himself and calling out a transformed people for the glory of His great name.


Thank you for praying, and for helping to make this work happen.




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