Mountain Christian Church was able to provide funding for our partners, Genesis of Hope (a sub-ministry of Cooperative Outreach of South Asia) to conduct Vacation Bible School. Covid restrictions had them conducting this in a different way than they have historically. GOH has held a large central VBS in years past where children from all of the centers throughout the city are bused in with nearly 1,000 attendees. This year VBS was held in October and was held in each GOH center. This year as in years past approximately 1,000 children were able to attend local VBS activities and a large part of the funds MCC contributed bought warm clothing for the children as the cooler months were just beginning. These children come from predominantly Hindu and Muslim homes are able to hear about the love of Christ many for the first time ever.
- 1,000 children attended VBS activities held in various slums
- Many of these children have heard about the love of Jesus for the first time.
- Warm clothing was distributed to the attendees