We are continuing our series on Getting to Know your church leaders a little bit better. Read along to learn more about Chandler Huston, who serves on our Elder Council.
Where were you born, and do you still consider that home, or somewhere else?
I was born in Albuquerque but at the time lived on Mount Taylor until I was 4 years old. Then we moved to Edgewood and I have always thought of it as home.
What did you want to be when you grew up – and is that still a dream?
I wanted to join the military and have a commercial construction company named JBC. I never figured out what JBC was an acronym for, at that time I didn't even know what an acronym was.
What or who was your earliest spiritual influence?
My parents were, mom was a prayer warrior and my dad was a creationist enthusiast. Both enjoyed reading and studying God's word.
How and when did Christ call you to Himself?
I grew up in a Christian family. When I was seven I accepted Jesus into my heart with my mom, however, I didn't remember it. So, when I was 12 I felt like if the biggest and best decision in my life was putting my faith in Jesus then I should remember exactly when and where I was. At age 12 I surrendered my life to Jesus and never forgot it.
What is a scripture you often read or share with others?
Proverbs 3:5-6. When my dad was dying from cancer I knew I needed a verse to cling to.
What is a special answered prayer you’ve received from the Lord?
My son Grayson was born 9 weeks early and the doctors said he may have a host of life-long issues. God saw to it, that was not the case! He is healthy, strong and lives a normal life.
What is a blessing and what is a challenge in serving as an elder?
Being entrusted to lead God's flock and lift up my brothers and sisters in prayer with the other elders weekly is a great blessing. The greatest challenge is guiding the body when the word is not explicit.
What are your hobbies and how did you get into them?
I enjoy target shooting, which my dad introduced me to, and hunting, which I didn't get into until I was an adult and a friend let me go with him. My other love is camping, which Becca and I have enjoyed since we got married.
What is your favorite family tradition?
Christmas eve we all go to Santa Fe for the night to celebrate with Mexican food and a reading of the Christmas story.
How do you enjoy spending a day off?
Doing yard work around the house or going out to eat at a new place is always fun.
What is the perfect meal?
Trying a new restaurant or going to one of our favorites with Becca and not being rushed.
Who or what never fails to make you laugh?
Becca and the kids always crack me up when they're joking around.
We asked Becca: