One of the keys to Christian growth is learning to exercise faith as a child in our daily life. Exercising faith teaches us to trust God and recognize the blessings that He constantly bestows upon us. We can often fail to recognize God’s gifts, and the ways that He is at work.
In Mark 10:15, Jesus states, “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all.”
Early in my Christian life, God taught me how to trust His promises and exercise my faith.
Second Peter 1:3-7 says,
“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence by which He has granted to us His precious and very great promises ….”
As a young Christian, I read Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret. Hudson Taylor was the founder of the China Inland Mission and grew up in London, England during the late 1800s. He wanted to go to the mission field in China and tried to grow spiritually in every way that he could. (He even learned Chinese on his own.) His employer was very forgetful and often had to be reminded to provide his earnings. Rather than asking for his paycheck, he decided to trust God to remind his employer that he needed it.
As he expected, a couple of weeks later his employer forgot to pay him. He didn’t ask for his paycheck and trusted God to remind his employer to pay him. He ate his last apple on a day when he went to minister to the poor in London. On his way home, he was hungry and rather despondent that God hadn’t met his need. He wasn’t paying attention to his route home and “just happened” to walk by his employer’s home. His employer saw him walking by through the window, called him to his door, and paid him.
Hudson Taylor saw his simple faith develop into complete trust years later as he had to depend upon God to provide not only his need, but the need of his ministry on a daily basis.
I have also seen God provide for my food, when I ran out of money. I chose to trust Him, and He provided an unsolicited check on the day that I ate my last can of tuna. Since that time, I have seen God work mightily to answer prayer in many other ways. Exercising faith has made me feel like a child in a candy store of God’s goodness.
God wants to answer prayer and He wants us to grow our faith. Consider an action today where you might see God grow your faith.