A Sacrifice of Worship
Apr 13 2:49 PM

A Sacrifice of Worship

Apr 13 2:49 PM
Apr 13 2:49 PM

Years ago, when MCC was supporting the Nij family in Guatemala, I had the opportunity to visit the Morning Glory Christian Academy in San Raymundo, Guatemala. While I was there, they took me to Antigua, which was once the Spanish colonial capital of Central America.  The city has beautiful cathedrals and palaces and is located between three large volcanic peaks.  

I had the added benefit of visiting around the time of Easter. During this time they have a huge celebration involving processions that move through town commemorating Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem, His march up Calvary, and His resurrection. Prior to each of the processions, community members decorate the streets with ornate murals made of sand, colored sawdust, grains, flowers, and leaves.

These amazing creations take hours to prepare and then the procession tramples the murals underfoot and destroy them.

One questions why they would spend so much time just to have the mural destroyed—the artists view this as a simple act of sacrifice and worship.

What simple act of sacrifice might you make on this Easter: invite a friend or family to worship; a word of encouragement; serving one in need; visit a shut in; pray for the lost; bring a heart to worship that is truly centered on our Lord?

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service. ~ Romans 12:1



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