Pray for Our Teachers- From the Shine Partnership
Give that teacher assurance that she/he is called.
Give that teacher and her class health.
Give that teacher insight.
Give that teacher grace and extra love.
Give that teacher energy.
Give that teacher the gentle authority she needs.
Give that teacher peace today and let her kids love on her.


Aug 13
9:26 AM

Aug 13
9:26 AM
Schools are struggling to retain teachers right now, teachers have walked out of classrooms on the first day of school and quit, there are not enough substitute teachers willing to work to cover the absences of teachers who cannot come to work and children are adapting to a new-ish way of being together in the classroom. Let us cover the teachers, students, and administrators in prayer.
"Pray for the teacher that feels in over her head. Who walked in her loud classroom to someone rolling on the floor and another writing on the desk who is wondering if she picked the right profession today.

Pray for the teacher that feels worried about the health of her class and the worries of her nervous parents. Who has sanitary wipes and hand sanitizer everywhere and just wants to keep her students safe.

Pray for the teacher who has the hurting child today. The child that left home from a hostile environment that is doing their best to hide their pain but needs someone to notice and advocate for them.

Pray for the teacher that has the child with the undiagnosed behavior problem. Where the parents are in denial and the teacher is trying to teach a classroom and manage a child that is demanding all their time and they feel drained.

Pray for the teacher who is a new mother that is trying to pump and nurse and manage it all with a classroom of kids that feel like babies themselves.

Pray for the teacher who feels her entire class is not respecting her. And the passion she once had for teaching has now turned into lessons on respect and she’s worn down.

Pray for the teacher who has a hurting heart today, and a classroom of kids that need her. For the one that woke up today needing encouragement and an extra dose of love.

Teaching is a calling.
A ministry.
A place where many go to teach science, math and English but where they often find themselves teaching about emotions and self control more than anything academic.
Your teachers need your prayers today just as much as your children do. So let’s cover them in prayer. So they can change the world one child at a time."
If you would like to help encourage teachers at A. Montoya, Shine Cookie Posse needs you:
It's time for our bakers to bless the teachers and staff of A. Montoya. Your yummy cookies encourage them and bring a smile to their faces. We hear time and again that when we fill the cookie jar in the teacher's lounge it makes their day. Make (or buy) your best yummy cookies and deliver them to the front office on the day you sign up. Please bring 40 individual bags with 2 cookies in each bag.
Sign up here:
Contact Marcy Bryant at or 321-7190 if you have any questions.