Like many of us at MCC, we have chosen to make our home in the mountains primarily because of engagement with God’s creation. The peace that comes with this, has a significant impact to our spiritual life. I have spent most of my life engaging in creation. It all started growing up on my dad’s farm and helping him work directly with the land and animals. Since that time, I have spent the majority of my life engaging with nature, whether it be camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, trail running, skiing or any other outdoor activity. This passion and need for interaction with creation has also caused me to be involved in many organizations and volunteer activities that promote or enhance activities with nature. This included founding organizations and events that involve the outdoors and writing two outdoor devotionals. The most recent, a book that describes how God reveals himself to us in His creation, otherwise known as the general revelation. Romans 1:20 describes this well.
In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul speaks to not of the General Revelation, but how all of us who are in Christ have become a new creation. The truth behind this verse is that we have all sinned against God and are separated from God, and without Christ, we would suffer eternal separation. When we put our faith in Christ, we are reconciled to God and experience a new life. The Holy Spirit has given us new life in which we have an entirely new world view. We have a new identity, new peace, new promises and we are no longer afraid of God or death. We have become a new creation that is on fire to spread the gospel and share our faith with others.
When I am in God’s creation, it does not exhibit hatred or anger. There are no words of rudeness or disrespect and the vileness and depravity of humanity are not on display. It is a true revelation of God and has impacted millions throughout mankind to at least believe in the existence of a creator. How could you not believe seeing the characteristics that are on display?
In reflection, I ask myself how I as a new creation in Christ am exhibiting the same characteristics of His natural creation? Do I demonstrate anger or animosity for others? Are there times I am disrespectful or rude? Although we all sin and fall short of God’s standards, what if I resolved to truly be a new creation in Christ and through my actions and behavior, glorify all that is God? Have I totally surrendered my life to Christ and resolved to becoming more and more like Him each day? As a new creation in Christ, I can do no less and through this become a living, breathing testimony to the glory of God.
“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away, and the new has come.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17