When I think back over the past few months and reflect on how God has worked in my life during the pandemic I honestly do not know where to even begin. I can think of all the days that God carried me through loneliness, uncertainty, anxiety and loved me even when I allowed these emotions to bring out the worst in me. I can think of the days I was filled with gratitude, especially when my eyes were opened to the deep pain and suffering of others while I sit safely with my family on our couch. However, if I had to really break it down, I think the work God has been doing in my life during this Pandemic really began many months ago, maybe even years.
My background is in marriage and family therapy. I chose that profession mainly because of one speaker at a conference in San Francisco. I cannot remember her name to give credit, but her entire talk was built around this:
When we have a safe and supportive family we are free to go out and be the best versions of ourselves. When our family unit is broken, we are paralyzed and unable to fully be the people God created us to be. I have realized through finding a church family and just a few months later entering the Covid-19 Pandemic, that this is not only true for immediate, biological families, but for church families as well.
The work God has been doing in my life during this Pandemic begun long ago when I first prayed for a church home and a community to authentically do life with. God answered when he drew my family to Mountain Christian Church. After attending for just a few weeks we not only felt welcome but like our presence mattered.
A month later I joined a woman’s bible study and was welcomed with open arms. Following this we joined a home group with whom we have laughed and cried and prayed with. This home group in a span of a few months became a second or third family. God then blessed us with an amazing realtor that we met through church and she journeyed with us as God provided the perfect home with the best neighbors. Through beginning a Titus 2 woman’s study I have also found woman to encourage me to live out of joyful obedience to the call God has placed on my life (actually all of our lives) to live in such a way that brings Him glory.
Because God has answered a prayer and because He is faithful even when I have no idea what he is up to-I have found a place to call home that is safe, secure, and healthy. I have found the kind of home that is not contained in a building but in the people who utilize it. I believe with my whole heart that when we have a safe place to grow, we truly have no choice but to be transformed. I still struggle with feeling anxious or lonely at times during social isolation, but the emotions are fleeting, and God’s amazing gift of community has been the gift that keeps on giving.