Something wonderful happens during Missions Class at VBS each year! The kids settle into the knowledge that we serve a God who is big enough to reach the whole world AND that we get to be a part of His mission. How refreshing it is to see the children’s response - pure enthusiasm!
I often need reminders to live life “on mission,” with pure enthusiasm. As I teach the children in the VBS Missions Class, they teach me just as much. Similarly, as we go outside our “box” to share Christ with the world, we grow and learn in the process. I love how MCC’s missions logo captures this God-designed process.
This year VBS kids will focus on the idea that we can support missionaries in their work. We don’t need to feel limited by money or our ability to travel. We will:
- Pray for missionaries by name.
- Pack a box for Operation Christmas Child.
- Share encouraging scriptures.
- Send greeting cards.
- Create friendship banners.
- Pool our small donations to make a big impact.
The children will contribute toward a water project that will be life-changing for the Serrudos Family of Bolivia. You can read about them in the FH update below:
Two years ago, Juana and Romulo rented a room to live with their children Esteban, Denis and Nayely. They could not get anything bigger because during the quarantine their incomes were too low. This situation forced them to build a room and a kitchen in a land lot that they bought before.
Even though they improved their situation and they did not need to pay rent any more, the Serrudos did not have access to water, as well as their neighbors. They had to walk about half an hour to a small water source every time they needed it. Usually the water they get is dirty, but it is their only available source.
The water that they have access to is not enough for all they need to do like washing laundry, take showers and cook. Even more now that the family have a 4-month-old new member. The water containers that they use now are not good to store water. The water tank that they have is not big enough to keep all the water they need in a week.
In the end of June FH will start building a water system for the Serrudo’s neighborhood. Thanks to your support this family would have access to safe water at home and better housing with a laundry sink with running water for their daily needs.
Thanks a lot the the VBS children and their teachers at MCC!!