To all our East Mountain Churches and Parishes,
Our staff and volunteers here at East Mountain Care Net Pregnancy Center are humbled by your support and your love for Life! We thank you for your participation in this year’s Walk for Life and are so grateful to be a light in this community with you! We couldn’t do it without you!
Our Walk for Life was a GREAT success with over 30 churches being represented and 200 present, who enjoyed live music, prayer and a beautiful walk. Prayers, attendance, donations and people’s zeal for Life made this year’s Walk for Life one of the most successful!
A HUGE THANK YOU for your enthusiasm for the cause of LIFE and our East Mountain Care Net Center’s ministry which is touching lives of the moms and dads who come for our support and services! We love you and are very blessed to lock arms with you all in this State to courageously fight for the lives of the unborn!
- East Mountain CareNet Team
This year's CareNet Walk for Life for the entire Albuquerque area had over 700 walkers in all four locations and raised $69,541.80!!!!
*Thank you to Ron and Donna Cura for the pictures!