There were several men who poured into me spiritually during my high school and early college years. Without these men, my walk wouldn’t be what it is today. Some of them were organized discipleship relationships and some of them were impromptu, just spending time with men who were willing to share their time and wisdom with me.
Sometimes discipleship looks like a consistently scheduled cup of coffee, other times it looks like periodic hikes with a friend that you didn’t even realize was discipling you. The consistent thing I’ve found in discipleship relationships is that in every one of them, the conversations consistently turns back to what God was doing in our hearts. How He was growing, changing, and teaching us. These conversations allowed for a vulnerability and transparency that can be difficult to have in many relationships, they opened the door for confession of buried sins and helped break down spiritual strongholds that I struggled with all through high school and into college. I would not be in a position to serve in the youth ministry like I do without the influence these relationships have had, and are still having, on me today. These are the kind of relationships that the youth ministry wants to develop.
Youth Ministries goal is to see each of our students develop relationships with other Godly individuals who can be that extra support and encouragement. We want them to have a Biblical support network that will help them get into adulthood with a strongly rooted relationship with Christ. This is our mission.
I challenge you to consider two things:
First, are you currently being discipled? I know this looks different for different people, but I haven’t found anywhere in scripture where it says to stop being discipled, so I’m pretty sure it’s a lifelong thing for believers. I know this looks different for older believers and can even look more like accountability than discipleship, but there should be some kind of relationship you can identify where you are being poured into spiritually. If you can’t identify at least one such relationship, then I want to challenge you to develop one.
Second, will you be in prayer about the role God would have you play in the discipleship of those around you?
I want you to consider the relationships that have made or are making a difference in your walk with God. Is there someone in your life right now that you can pour into in that way? It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, the Great Commission very clearly tells us to make disciples of all nations. There is no age limit set on that. It doesn’t have to look super official, but it is a clear command from Christ. We should take that seriously. It doesn’t matter if you’re 80 or 18. God calls His believers to make disciples.
So, let’s go and be discipled and let’s go and make disciples.