Sunday School Curriculum

MCC teaches the Generations of Grace curriculum for Preschool through Fifth grade classes. 

Generations of Grace is a three-year program, designed to systematically teach through the Old Testament books, the Gospels, Acts, and Revelation. Ideally, children go through the series twice during their time in Sunday School, giving them a solid foundation on which to build as they grow.  It also shows God at work in the Old Testament and the relevance of that work to Jesus.

Middle and High School classes teach expositionally through books of the Bible, or through topical studies. Recent studies include Systematic Theology and the ‘Do Hard Things’ curriculum.



MCC has a well-stocked and engaging nursery that is run by volunteers who love children and the Lord. Children are taught a short Bible lesson, fed a snack, read to, and provided lots of fun; giving their parents the opportunity to listen to and study the Word while enjoying fellowship. 

Breakdown of Sunday School Programming

During First Service at 8:30 am Sundays

  • Nursery-birth to 2
  • Preschool 
  • Kindergarten-First Grade
  • Second-Third Grade
  • Fourth-Fifth Grade
  • Middle and High School Class

During Second Service at 10:30 am Sundays

  • Nursery & Preschool – birth to 4
  • Kindergarten-Second Grade
  • Third-Fifth Grade

Teacher Qualifications and Sickness Policy

We are always looking for Sunday School Teachers and Pre-school Volunteers!

At MCC, we take child safety and the responsibility of teaching children about God seriously. Therefore, we have a screening process for all volunteers working with our children.

Prerequisites to be a teacher:

  • Christian, with some maturity (about learning, not age)
  • Willingness to learn and teach. Teachers often learn the most!
  • A member or a regular attender of Mountain Christian Church.
  • Complete volunteer packet (background info, family info, mission statement, and belief statement)
  • Personal interview with Children’s Ministry Coordinator, or Elder.
  • Submit to Criminal History Background check


Children’s Ministry Sickness Policy

As a courtesy to all the children and their families in our community, parents are asked not to bring their child to Sunday School if one of the following conditions exists or has existed in the last twenty-four hours.

  • Temperatures of 100 degrees or higher
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Severe coughing
  • Colored nasal drainage
  • Pink eye
  • Undiagnosed rash
  • Open sore lesions