
Biblical Resources

A searchable online Bible in multiple versions and languages.

A free Bible app for your phone or tablet.


A great reading or witnessing tool featuring the Bible in your language, plus the Helps from The Gideons.


Recommended Reading

The Peacemaker by Ken Sande 

Peacemaking Women by Judy Dabler & Tara Barthel 

How People Change by Paul Tripp

Hope Ahead by Barb Mulvey & Cris Paulson

If You Bite & Devour by Alexander Strauch 

When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert

Shame Interrupted by Ed Welch

The War of Words by Paul Tripp

Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation

What's Available

At MCC we recognize that everyone faces tough daily decisions. We want to make sure that you have the resources at your fingertips to help you, no matter where life has you. 

On this page you will find helpful resources within the church, on-line and through partner or affiliate organizations. Whether you've missed a service, are in financial, marriage or spirtual need, or you know someone who is, we are here to help.

No matter where you are in your personal transformation for Christ, these tools can help equip you for whatever life throws your way!

MCC Library

MCC has a library located in the main office building behind the Sanctuary. With over 30 categories of Christian books, this little library is an amazing resource for people at any place in their Christian walk! The library has books on discipleship, marriage, finances, worship, devotionals, counseling, parenting, children's books, numerous concordances, and many more! 

Books can be checked out before or after both services or during church office hours. Afternoons are best but please call us first at (505) 281-3313. To check out and return books, use the binder on the bookcase by the door, mark checked out and returned books here, and leave returned items by door shelves.

If you have Christian books to donate please bring them to the church office! E-mail the office with any questions!